Novels suitable for the 9 to 11-year-old market around 25,000 to 35,000 words and with strong plot and characterisation. We don't have a preference for boy-centered or girl centered works, just fabulous stories. When authors ask me what I want I tend to say 'Give me something as poignant as The Bridge To Terabithia or as funny as Hating Alison Ashley.
I have been reading a lot of novels lately and not just the ones that turn up at the office. An adult story I read last week stayed with me for its beautiful language and its odd and confronting plot. It's not a new story (The Year of Wonders by Geraldine Brooks in case you are wondering) but its historical setting and its re-imagined take on that was so entertaining I read it in a couple of days. I like historical novels when they don't stray too far from the truth and when the characters feel alive. If I could I'd have an historical novel full of drama and adventure that would suit both boys and girls. But then again I love stories based in the here and now. What I see too much of are novels that have no real point. Stories where the plot is so fantastic it makes no sense or where the family is unbelievable; usually these stories have characters I just don't invest in at all. And there lies the key to a novel that really works - start with a character you love. From there springs the voice, the plot and the resolution.
So come on, everyone. Spread the word. Get those fingers flying over the keyboard.
Send me a blockbuster ...
And in case you're wondering why there is a rather random picture of a croissant here - it's because it's a prize-winning croissant! Royal Adelaide Show 2014 - feature country, France. I have another life and it involves baking which may be my next occupation I think; teaching the wonders of cooking with yeast.