Tamsin Janu

Tamsin Janu was born and raised in Sydney. She is the second-eldest of six children only nine years apart, so growing up in her house was noisy and chaotic! She has always loved reading and telling stories but was inspired to write fiction for children after living for three months in Ghana, West Africa, working at a school and orphanage. She found the Ghanaian kids were just as interested in her country as she was in theirs, so they had a lot to teach each other. Over the past few years Tamsin has worked as a volunteer in legal centres, and with kids living in remote Western Australian and Northern Territory communities. She has paid her bills by working part-time in cafés and a children’s shoe shop.

Tamsin has degrees in International and Global Studies and Law from the University of Sydney. She currently works as a youth development worker in a remote community in the Northern Territory, where she is lucky enough to hear the stories of, and tell stories to, curious and funny kids every day.

You can visit Tamsin's website here.

Click here to download the New Title Information Sheet for Figgy in the World.
Click here to download the Teachers' Notes for this Figgy in the World.

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