Omnibus author and illustrator profiles


30 July 2013


You may have noticed over in our right-hand column a new news feed which takes its content from the Guardian UK's children's book section -- a reputable source of news and reviews of all things children's books. I thought I'd point out this particularly funny and cool item in their How To Draw series, 'How to Draw a Bear and a Boy in a Boat' by illustrator Dave Shelton.

Don't forget, if you're one of our younger readers (the special ones we really like) you can send in your review of any Omnibus book and if we choose it for our blog we'll send you a free book (which you will also have to review. Come on! Did you think it was really free?!) Click here and here for some reviewing inspiration.

And here is the cover of our new favourite picture book, Octopuppy, which isn't out until September but it's too cute not to share. Puppies!

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