L.S. Lawrence was born in 1953 in London, and emigrated to Australia in 1976, having gained a degree in History from University College, London. He taught in Western Australian secondary schools and then at the University of Western Australia. He lectured at Curtin University and was a sometime visitor to the University of South Australia and Notre Dame University, Perth, obtaining a master's degree in the process. He went back to the UK in 1988, taught in public schools there and married. He returned to Western Australia in 1997, having inherited a small legacy which enabled him to retire and pursue his first love, writing historical fiction. He lives in Perth with his wife and their son.
Eagle of the East was L.S. Lawrence’s first published novel. His second book, Escape by Sea, opens in Carthage, 206 BCE, and tells the story of a young woman escaping a Roman siege. In Horses for King Arthur, Alexa makes a bargain with her mother: she will comply with her arranged marriage on one condition, she has one year to find another husband. But Alexa has no intention of spending her time husband-hunting. Instead she is going on an adventure of a lifetime.
You'll find comprehensive Teachers' notes on all of L.S. Lawrence's books over here.