Omnibus author and illustrator profiles


28 March 2014

The gem in the pile

I have been remiss.  Nothing to blog about?  No - just no time to blog, but I want to share with you a new author whose unsolicited manuscript has been such a joyful discovery that I am delighted to announce its appearance in June 2014.
Tamsin Janu sent us her first novel, Figgy In The World and it completely caught us unawares.  The writing is wonderful, the character so appealing we want to adopt her ourselves, and the setting, Ghana, about the most far-flung setting we have ever had for a realistic novel. 
Take a look at her website and while you are there you should definitely look at the trailer for her book.
 I am even more encouraged by the fact that at this year's Bologna Fair there has been a lot of interest in this little book.  Fingers crossed now that this translates to overseas sales.    What you can learn from Tamsin's experience is that a writer who is writing about a subject dear to their heart often stands a much better chance of creating a story that will resonate with readers. 

Another new work coming up for Omnibus in June is a book we have been excited about for some time.  It is by the super talented Elise Hurst whose award-winning work is rather too long to list but if you take a look at her website you will see the extraordinary range of the artwork she creates.  You can also view the trailer of her new book with Omnibus, Imagine A City here.

If you have a wonderful junior novel tucked away somewhere do send it in.  All of February's unsolicited work has now been dealt with - if you haven't heard then sadly you are unsuccessful, but don't despair. Perhaps it will be the next book that will make its mark.

Meanwhile I should remark on the very successful Adelaide Writer's Week that was held in March.  Kid's Day has become a vibrant and important part of this adult literary festival and the organisers are to be congratulated on the effort they put it.  For years children were deemed too unimportant to be included - so to see kids everywhere among the throng enjoying the dress-ups and talks and fun is just wonderful.