Omnibus author and illustrator profiles


26 August 2013

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Remember, dear commuters, that to subscribe to the On Ya Bus blog you need only pop your email address* into the box in our right-hand column (scroll down until you see it).

And just on the topic of blog-keeping, we also feature new reviews of Omnibus Books just over there on the right as well –- this week a lovely review of our picture book Dog on Log. And from that book, here is a rough of a cheeky hog who sadly did not make the final cut.

Thanks as always, Kat Chadwick

* Email addresses are kept by Blogger and not accessible or viewable by us.

16 August 2013

Early Childhood Book of the Year 2013

We're very excited to hear that The Terrible Suitcase has won the CBCA Early Childhood Book of the Year. A very hearty (and slightly bubbly-flavoured) congratulations to Emma Allen and Freya Blackwood who worked so hard on this beautiful book. Warm fuzzy feelings all round.