Omnibus author and illustrator profiles


21 July 2011

July books from Omnibus

There's been a little bit of jooshing on the old Omnibus lately. A new cushion on a comfy chair, some indoor plants, some dusting and some rearranging. And we're delighted to announce that Michael Gerard Bauer's new book Ishmael and the Hoops of Steel, the last in this wonderful school yard trilogy, fits in beautifully with the new colour scheme.

And now we have a cosy place (the aforementioned new cushion) for Baby Bilby to sleep. Dear little bilby, you can sleep on my velveteen cushion whenever you like.

Also out in paperback this month is the enduringly lovely Bush Concert, written and illustrated by Helga Visser.

Unwelcome on the bus, any time, are redback spiders, but we've cleared off a special shelf so we don't get a nasty surprise reaching for Redback on the Toilet Seat, out in paperback.

When it comes to kicking goals, it's all about the quality, not the quantity, as we find out in our new Mates! out this month, Losers! by Pauline Deeves and Adam Carruthers.

04 July 2011

A Prize of One's Own

From one bus full o' ladies to another one hundred per cent ladies' writing prize, we salute you, Sophie Cunningham et al.

The redoubtable Virginia Woolf, via Google images.